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Дом для продажи недалеко от Ловеча

The below advertised house is located in a picturesque village, 7 km away from the regional center Lovech.

The access to the town is provided via convenient asphalt road with bus transport every 30 minutes and also railway transport. The property is located in the valley of the River Osam. The winters there are mild and pleasant, and in the summer, it is cool. This part the river is deep and offers wonderful conditions for fishing tourism.

The house is monolithic construction - brick, two floors and a basement. It consists of four rooms, a kitchen box, a bathroom and a sanitary premise. There is a summer BBQ and a garage with a canal for light repairs.

The yard is planted with fruit trees, vine varieties and other vegetation. The buildings are sold with all of the furniture and equipment. The property has security system and online video surveillance. It is in excellent condition and well maintained.

ID: 12844
Статус недвижимости:  Продан
Район:  Ловеч
Цена в евро:  €39,000
Цена в GBP:  £33,150
Цена в USD:  $39,780
Категория:  Дома
Площадь :  2 Этаж
Спальни: 3 Bedroom
Жилая площадь: 137 m 2
Площадь :  800m 2
Экстры:  Электричество, Вода
Место:  В городе
Опубликовано:  Thursday, August 17, 2023

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