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Commercial property near Sandanski

This is a commercial property located at the beginning of a big well organized village in Sandanski area. The village more than 2000 permanent residents, there is a school, post office, medical service and shops. The distance to Sandanski town is just 11 km. The main roads to the Greek border and Sofia along with the river Struma pass by the village.

The property we offer used to be a motor workshop. It is one storey with total area of 144 sq m. Water and electricity are available inside. Asphalt road reaches the property. Buying such worthy property with good location is always excellent investment. Come and take a look at it on the spot!


ID: 5798
Статус недвижимости:  Продан
Район:  Сандански
Цена в евро:  €45,000
Цена в GBP:  £38,250
Цена в USD:  $45,900
Категория:  Комерческая недвижимость для продажи
Площадь :  1 Этаж
Площадь :  144m 2
Экстры:  Электричество, Вода
Место:  Около города, Возле гор
Опубликовано:  Friday, March 18, 2011

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